[NTLK] Shareware "issues"

From: Matt Tracey (mtracey_at_telusplanet.net)
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 23:47:49 EDT

Hey everybody.
I just got my serial dongle today and have been loading up the Newt with
software... However I'm a little bit stumped over what to do with all
the demo version of programs on unna.org. Many of them have a thirty day
test period after which they expire.

Are companies really still asking shareware fees for software that
hasn't been updated in 5+ years? I'm especially interested in all the
neat Newt software made by StandAlone (http://www.standalone.com/) But
it appears they still want 20 to 30 dollars for almost every piece of
their shareware. Is this correct? This page:
html says More Folders, in particular, is freeware (along with a few
other titles) even though the actual program, once installed, still has
a 30 day trial period. It makes it all a bit confusing.

So does anybody know what I do in this situation? I have no real
objection to paying shareware fees but in this instance it seems kind of
absurd. Paying fees for shareware that isn't going to ever be updated...
For a platform that is, in terms of money-making prospects, pretty much
dead. Does anybody see where I'm coming from?

I searched through the archives a bit and I've found mention of a crack
for NewtFTP since the company seems to have long ago gone out of
business. I was able to find that crack without too much difficulty but
I don't know what to do in this case. Do I shell out the cash? Do I
start looking for a serial/crack? Or do I just abandon a large portion
of cool Newton software?


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