Re: [NTLK] Newbie?: How do I access Notes on my desktop?

From: Luiz Petroni (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 15:43:15 EDT

Hi Pete, welcome aboard!
> How do I get to the notes to copy them into my desktop
> word processor (MS Word)?

I suppose you connected using NCU (Newton Connection Utilities), and if so
what you need to do is connect again > select the export button > select
note pad and enter other additional info. Select the note you want to export
and where NCU will save the file.

> Also, is there a better way to transfer the data from Newton to my
> Mac? I saw some discussion on using ethernet via PCMIA card.
> Eventually I will need to do this when I go to OS-X and a new G4 that
> doesn't have the gport serial connection.

Did not make "the switch" to OS X yet, but even with a B&W G3 running OS9.1,
I experienced a improvement when connecting with the newton thru ethernet.


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