Re: [NTLK] Subject: Re: The future of the Newton: A course to bring it to new

From: Mark Rollins (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 21:18:47 EST

Well, let's go hog wild.

Not with resurrecting the Newt. It's dead. Not "The
Princess Bride" 'mostly' dead. Not dead like Mulder in the X-Files infected
with the "black oil" with restorative properties. It's deady dead.

Read forum from a few years ago - people gone, documentation
gone; probably the only thing Apple saved was the source to the handwriting
recognition. Let's face it, no way, no how is the Newton coming back. Not
for one mungogingillion dollars. But - as some have stated - that won't stop
us from using ours until well past the need for the "2010 dates bug patch".

Here's what we CAN do

1) At least one stock Newt exists with 11 (or 12) MB of internal RAM
  a) let's figure out how this was made
  b) have someone produce the memory board
  c) extract, copy and disseminate whatever system patch let it recognize
the additional RAM

2) with that much internal RAM available, perhaps many could eschew use of a
card slot. Populate that card slot with some sort of video driver card and
use it to drive the new COLOR screen.

3) Probably need some more speed. Some sort of user-installed accelerator,
perhaps better than PixSolutions.

Sure #2 & #3 would suck power, but that's where a

4) new flat LiIon pack attached to the back would come in. Heck. With the
backpack battery, the video driver project could use the space formerly
occupied by 4 AA batteries.

5) or the space could be populated with a BlueTooth adapter connected to the
serial port internally.

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