Re: [NTLK] Altering Battery trays to charge...

From: Daniel Padilla (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 13:25:22 EST

> So this is the impression I'm under. A little piece of plastic toggles
> the Newton to know whether or not the Battery is rechargeable. The
> batteries heat up as energy is being pumped into them and the
> Thermistor detects this. The Thermistor has a certain limit it pays
> attention to, when That heat limit is hit, the Thermistor increases
> it's resistance to stop allowing Power to go through the batteries.

    The MP2x00 newtons know that there are rechargeables if it founds the
thermistor. So there's no switch like in the previous models.
    The thermistor is always measuring the heat (changing its resistance),
and the newton uses the resistance changes to lower or raise the power it
gives to the batteries.


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