Re: [NTLK] Newton vs. Pocket PC 2002 (aka WindowsCE 3.0)

From: Gerry Lusk (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 12:55:52 EST

I have an iPaq 3135 (mono screen) that I got for a steal when the color
version came out. I played with it for a while, bought some expensive
accessories and now I'm carrying the Newton again. I agree with most of the
comments in this thread.

The only things it does well are wireless access (Lucent 802.11b card works
fine with my Airport base) and it's an MP3 player. I have vxUtil which is
good for network testing. I'd love to have an app like that on the Newton.

And someone said that they couldn't play MP3s from a CF card. I discovered
that you must create the same directory structure on the card as on the
internal memory and the software will think they are the same store (similar
to the Newton). I haven't seen any documentation for this.

This took me a full two weeks to figure out and for most of that time I
thought the CE device was pretty useless since my primary office machine is
a Mac. I'm also surprised how many steps it takes to sync my outlook mac
with the CE device (of course you must sync your outlook mac with a windows
machine first). I had the Newton 2000 configured and loaded with all of my
contacts/dates 45 minutes after opening the box. I remember that day well.

The device has some good points but trying to compress a desktop OS into a
device that small makes me want to throw it against a wall. I'm carrying
the Newton still and the iPaq makes for an occasional tool.


On 2/13/02 6:35 AM, "" <> wrote:

> In a message dated Wed, 13 Feb 2002 8:55:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> Apostolos Koutropoulos <> writes:
>> On 2/13/02 2:09, "Bill Davis" at <> Wrote:
>> =20
>> I bought an iPaq 3870 as a more portable companion to my newton (when I am
>> not even carrying a backpack when I travel) -- I am a technology addict wha=
>> t
>> can I say.
> I have a Compaq IPaq 3650, upgraded to PocketPC 2002. I love the fact that I
> can move standard files to and from the device without problem. I love the
> bright screen. I love that I can put a CF Card or a PC Card in the device of
> ANY size.
> I hate the fact that HWR is not integrated as well as in the Newton. It is
> klunky. I hate the screen size - too small to be truely usable (like the
> Palm).
> Bottom line - I am carrying around my Newton again. Who'd have thunk it? ;-)
> Tom

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