Re: [NTLK] Taking Notes on MP2000/2100?

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 14:29:52 EST

> Ditto for me, except I use HyperNewt
> (, which allows me to have a
> hierarchical folder structure.
> Jim Anderson

Hello Jim,

  I started out using HyperNewt but ran into problems having notes, from
different folder and even categories, come up when I select a note. For
example if I have 5 categories under science (which is listed under the
Root directory), all with some notes in them, and I select one note from
just one of those 5 categories I end up being able to see ALL notes that I
have stored in all of HyperNewt, not just in that one folder (I only want
to see the one note I am selecting for). Do you have this problem? If so
have you found a way around it as this problem seems to defeat the point of
the hierarchical filing system.


Sam J.


Always remember, "Ad astra per aspera"...


Lab. Telephone (via Dr. Susan Bell): 813-974-5420

     Department of Biology
     University of South Florida
     SCA 110
     4202 East Fowler Avenue
     Tampa, Florida, 33620

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