Re: [NTLK] [OT] NCU-like software native MacOS X: what prevents it

From: Eckhart Koeppen (
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 13:19:05 EST

Tom Sheppard wrote:

> I'd have to disagree. Aqua is fuzzy with all the anti-aliasing and drop
> shadows and that slows it down. Transparency is just dumb. Why do I want to
> read the text of an email message behind a menu that's dropped down in
> front? Of course you can't read the email text because it's too obscured,
> but not enough because it makes the menus difficult to read. I like the
> comment by one publisher who said, "We pay extra to get quality paper that
> you can't see through and yet Apple doesn't give you any way to turn
> transparency off."

While I agree that the transparency in the GUI is debatable, it can at
least be turned of by applying one of those hacks. You can have green
text on pink background if that's your cup of tea ;)

But seriously, I think that the 2D imaging model of Quartz is a big step
forward from the simple schemes of event-driven display models like X
and Windows with their refresh-on-demand. Surely, it does put a lot of
load on the CPU and the memory (a pixel on the screen does not belong to
one application at a time anymore but is the outcome of blending the all
stacked windows together), but I think it is worth it.


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