Lets not forget about "Ziggy" from Quantum Leap ....although it was sort of
silly looking
hand held. In the world of Scifi maybe all this hand held technology
evolves into something like
R2D2 the ultimate personal assistant.
PaulMmn wrote:
> Don't forget-- Star Trek was one of the first shows to use hand-held
> computers-- the TriCorder on the original was the universal
> computer! TheNextGang had more streamlined TriCorders (and everyone
> must have perfect eyesight!), plus thos PADDs that everyone keeps
> handing around.
> I don't know how the dates line up, but TNG was around at least 10
> years ago-- when did Newton first arrive? Who copied whom? (:
> --Paul E Musselman
> PaulMmn_at_ix.netcom.nospam.com
> >I just saw a episode of the Outer Limits on the Scifi channel about time
> >travel and a Nazi concentration camp. It's very quick, but in the first
> >few minutes of the show, the time traveler appears to be jotting some
> >notes on a Newton-like device. It was modified in its appearance for the
> >show, but I would bet it was a MP. Anyone else see this?
> >
> >We now return complete control to your computer............
> >
> >Greg
> --
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