Re: [NTLK] [newtontalk] GEMEnterprises

From: Darius Zendeh (
Date: Fri Jun 14 2002 - 14:37:28 EDT

Well I live in Germany and overall I have bought about 10 units (MP 2x00) from GEM over a period of three months. One unit had a broken power switch. I mailed them and they sent me an extra 32MB Flash RAM with the following order. Overall, I am happy about the quality of the units. EVERY mail from me got replied very fast and polite. This week I recieved the last three units which are all in a very good shape. Sorry for those of you who have had bad experiences.

Regards, Darius. (powered by MP2100)
All your Newton are belong to us.

>>Me too, I have a bad experience with GEM 2 weeks ago.
>>Gem is not really serrious I thing, bad communication and very slow
>>reactions :-(
>>Gwen. (Sorry for my bad english... I am french and it's the morning)
>I am in France too. I think GEM is not serious with Frenchies because they
>know we cannot do much if a pb occurs
>Did any one in Europe have troubles with them ?

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