What did you think of the QBE cf the Newton?
What was its stability like?
What was battery life like?
What did you hate the most?
What was HWR like?
What was the Windows operating system like to use via a pen?
What was speed like?\
Was MS Office apps like MS Word and MS Outlook pen-enabled? What were they
like to use? What worked? What didn't?
And that's just for starters...
-----Original Message-----
From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Woo Lee
Sent: Thursday, 20 June 2002 1:22 p.m.
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Vector-based drawing progra.
My Newton caused me to get the Clio/Tripad and Qbe. I still use the Newt. =
=2E..btw, anybody wanna buy the Clio or Tripad or Qbe? I need an iBook so =
I can wireless with my Newt. :-D
>Ok- SLIGHTLY OT [but a lot more on than the football conversations!]. I
>have a Fujitsu Stylistic 3400 [Windows 2000] and a Wacom Cintiqu hooked
>up to my G4 tower [I got these as a result of loving my Newton- so
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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