>My biggest grins are...
>=2E..747-400 banking towards the landing strip a few hundred feet above =
>me. %-}
>=2E..F-15D with 50+ft. of 'orange tail'. :- ]
Yep -- an F-16 with full afterburner is pretty impressive as well --
pretty amazing to see that big orange shock diamond in broad
daylight. And there's nothing quite like the roar when an F-16 on
full afterburner flies by. Sounds like the sky is being torn open.
>=2E..anybody got a F-104 I could 'borrow'?
That guy (can't remember his name) who tried to pull a crashed B-29
out of Greenland a few years back (there was a Nova special about it
-- painful to watch because they put massive amounts of work into
restoring this B-29 to flying condition on location -- one of the
team members even dies -- and then as they're about to take off the
B-29 catches fire and is destroyed) built himself an F-104 out of
spare parts. Yikes!
Among my biggest grins are seeing the last remaining flyable B-29
banking over downtown Burlington on final approach to BTV, and seeing
a TBM Avenger flying along the beach, maybe a few hundred feet up, a
number of years ago. Modern aircraft are cool, but WW2 aircraft in
flight bring a lump to my throat.
-- . . . . . mark bock KB1EXL markbvt_at_adelphia.net"A youth who can't hit a cathedral at thirty yards with a Gatling gun in three-quarters of an hour, can take up an old empty musket and bag his grandmother every time, at a hundred." --Mark Twain
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