[NTLK] Serious Dates app problem

From: emdub (emdub_at_mac.com)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 17:46:00 EST

I use my Newton a lot to keep track of my schedule, appointments,
meetings etc. but recently I'm getting a lot of errors in the Dates
application. Every time I switch away from the day view into any other
(I use Agenda the most) I get a -42000 error. I've looked this up but
wasn't very usefull:
Errorno: -48200
Description: Expected a frame, array, or binary object
Category: Object System Errors

Then I switch back to day view:
Errorno: -8007
Description: Exception not handled
Category: Application Errors

I then try to create an appointment:
Errorno: -48809
Description: Undefined method
Category: Interpreter Errors

...and it goes on and on without displaying anything but errors.

What's happening to my Newt?? The dates application is my NUMBER ONE
MOST USED!! I really need this. I've erased all prior records to the
date I'm on, I've soft reseted, I've looked through repeating events...
I really am stuck. Can anyone help me? Things seem to go okay as long as
I don't switch from the day view, which isn't enough for me. Maybe I
should use a different application than dates to keep track of

Thanks in advance to any helpful hints!


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