Re: [NTLK] need a keyboard, 32 mb card(s), and help with loose dongle

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 12:35:33 EST

Wow, that really sucks.
More than likely, your problem is not with the
keyboard, but instead with your dongle port.
And there's little you can do about it unfortunately.
If you are handy with a soldering iron (and I mean
professionally trained) you may be able to fix it your
self, if you had the patience...but in my own
experience, it is a temporary fix at best. I repaired
my own, and it eventually broke again. I sent it to
Apple and they fixed it and it only lasted a month.
So, you're basically never going to get that to work
again! I would suggest that as a fix, you contact
mrPCBman and get one of his new SER-001 (or whatever
number we're up to now) and use that.
And from what I've been hearing on this list, Apple is
no longer doing repairs on Newt either! So, get the
Dongle Killer and curse Apple for using such a stupid
About your jaggie screen? Hmmm, other than opening up
your newt and cleaning the contacts, there are several
short term fixes that have been discussed on this
list. All are temporary and will eventually lead to
jaggies....sorry there is no real good news in this
email, but these are the burdens of a device that was
abandoned 4 years ago by the creators!
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

-- Tad and Terry Crohn <> wrote:
> Hi everyone. Can anyone help me. My keyboard seems
> to have bitten the dust.
> I've tried attaching new connector cord but that
> hasn't worked and even if
> it did I need a new or good condition keyboard as I
> do alot of word
> processing on my little guy. Also could use one or
> more 32 mb cards as mine
> is getting full and I would like a way to back it up
> quickly. Have always
> had trouble doing this on my desktop mac. Sadly also
> the dongle connector
> seems to giving up the ghost - it's loose and I have
> to jimmy it to get it
> to print. Any thoughts about getting this repaired?
> Would I do well to get
> my jaggy screen replaced at the same time?
> I really appreciate any help with these matters.
> Also any Indiana newton
> user group meetings? I live in Northwestern Indiana.
> Thanks,
> Tad Crohn

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