dear list!
im looking for newton references in marketing literature, but it seems like
i there is barely anything written about it. this is very strange, since
there is quite a lot of documentation and not so difficult to perform an
empirical study.
the only reference to the newton ive found so far is clayton m christensens
classic "the innovators dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to
fail" ISBN 0-87584-585-1; chapter 6, pp134-136.
christensen describes the newt as an example of disruptive technology - the
conclusion is that the newton is not a failure, but deemed to succumb due to
unrealistic expectations of the market. (the book was published in 1997, a
year before the demise of newton). overall, the book is interesting reading
for anyone working with product dev., maybe a bit too focussed on the disk
drive market, but still motivates its place in the bookshelf.
if there is/are any other scientific/marketing publication/s that refer to
or analyse the newton business case, please let me know! i might be
interested in writing something myself at a later point...
thank yall ;-D
roman pixell
phone: +46 (0) 8 643 83 00
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