Re: [NTLK] Replace speaker?

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 14:15:07 EST

At 04:30 AM 3/26/2002 -0500, wrote:
>From: "Johannes Wolf" <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Replace speaker?
>Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 08:45:48 +0100
>In principle you are right, it is easy to replace the speaker.
>The original speaker has an impedance of 8 Ohms, that means any speaker
>providing 8 Ohms can be driven from the Newt.
>But I would not really expect a much better sound quality, since first the
>size of the speaker is one of the limiting factors and would not change

I see your point here.

>second the sound quality is determined by the sampling rate of the audio
>signals. The maximum sample rate our Newt can handle is 5 kSa/sec.

So for example, when MAD Max/MAD Newton plays a MP3 stream encoded at
22Khz, 24Kbps mono, the program (or the Newton sound hardware) is really
downsampling it to 5kbps? Do I read this right?

I'm not expecting anything stellar here. If I want good sounding MP3s I'll
buy an iPod. I just think it's neat that with the Newton + Ethernet,
HTTPlib, MAD Max and Mad Newton I can play MP3 streams off the 'net with no
additonal hardware required. I just wonder if there isn't room for
improvement with the speaker itself. It's easy enough to try once I find a
speaker that'll fit. The theory is interesting, but it's so easy to
experiment I think I'll just try it and see what the results are!

Thanks very much for the information & suggestions.


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