Re: [NTLK] Programming: tracking pen input

From: Brian Parker (
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 02:25:25 EDT

On Sunday, May 26, 2002, at 02:40PM, Michael J. Hu=DFmann <michael_at_michael-=> wrote:
>Brian Parker ( wrote:
>> I think I just need a command to poll the pen instead of getting a
>> message, which may or may not exist.
>The pen is not a mouse, i.e. there is no pen cursor following every
>movement of the pen like there is a mouse cursor following the mouse. If
>you don't tap, there is no pen position to poll. (And I don't really
>understand why this is a problem.)
>- Michael

The problem is when a pen message is sent, it blocks everything else until =
the pen message is done. If someone holds down the pen, nothing else happe=
ns. Look at a program like Kung Fu, where you have to repeatedly tap the m=
ovement buttons instead of holding the pen down on one side of the player. =
 If the program could poll for input (and receive coordinates or something =
else for pen not on screen) then you could just hold the pen on the screen =
instead of constant tapping. =20

Brian Parker

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