>At 10:55 +0100 5/31/2002, richard_at_cyberphotographer.com wrote:
>>have you tried just dragging the PD file onto the the CO application?
>>this is a Mac after all...
>Oh, nice try! When I drag a copy of the Palm / Users / mickey / User
>Data file CO flashes an error message, but it's so fast that I can't
>read it.
>I'm not surprised, since PD is the upgrade, and I would have expected
>them to muck with the file formats (assuming it's not choking on the
>different file / creator types).
>The data seems correct in CO, so I guess I have to figure out why CO
>--> Newton is failing me. Sigh.
Which version of PD are you using?
I have a vague memory of being able to change the type/data codes on
Palm Desktop user file and getting it to open in CO - but it was so
long ago I might be imaginging it!
Also, PD tends to keep the active user file in a locked/open state
even when the app itself is not running - try saving a copy of the
file (I think that is a menu option) and opening that in CO (after
changing the TC codes).
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