Re: [NTLK] IRComm2k, IrDA and DIL tester

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 16:37:21 EST

À (At) 22:14 +0100 9/11/02, Damien Batstone écrivait (wrote) :
>I've been playing around with IRcomm2k, and DIL tester on my IBM thinkpad
>with win2ksp3, and my MP2100. I mapped IRcomm to Com2 by going to the
>registry, to let DIL tester access it, and I can start the connection on
>the DIL side, but the newton gives bad or no response. I get the IR
>connection in the win2k tray, which says Newton is in range. I have read
>the archive, and people have been playing with this. Any luck
>anywhere? I've tried a few connection speeds (9600 etc), and have the SIR
>protocol running, but nothing yet.

This isn't possible. Let me explain why.

DIL Tester is based on Apple's DILs (hence the name).

Apple's DILs do IrDA via the Communication Toolbox (CTB), which is a
MacOS (< X) system library (also used by NCU, NTK, NPI, Newton Press,
etc.). This is a very nice abstraction layer. Apple didn't think of
IrDA when they wrote the DILs at first (it wasn't even implemented in
the Newton), but they provided a way to do custom CTB communication
(AppleTalk and Serial are provided via the CTB as well). Thanks to
this custom CTB possibility, Thomas has been able to provide IrDA.

On Windows, Apple's DILs only do Serial (with MNP Compression -- they
didn't even use their own CTB code to do that compression) and
TCP/IP. The advantage over NCU is that you can do TCP/IP and
therefore Ethernet. But you can't do IrDA.



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