Of course you need an adaptor from SUB-D 9 (PC-interface) to Mini-DIN (Newt
interface), but you can do that yourself if you prefer.
The information on how to connect the pins you can find at:
Sorry, it is in german only, but you might understand the connection table.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
> [mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of b e n w e l l
> s|headwerkx
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 3:54 PM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Mapping software for Newton - with Australian Maps?
> > Thats very easy:
> > you can connect nearly every kind of GPS-receiver equipped with a serial
> > interface and sending data in NMEA 183 format to your Newt and GPSMap.
> > (to give only one example: Garmin Etrex)
> so you'd just use their PC connection cable? Doesn't sound as
> expensive as I
> thought it would be... those little GPS units are quite affordable in
> Australia (my Dad and all his fishing buddies have one for storing the
> locations of good places to set nets and pots). I thought you'd need some
> expensive faceless GPS sensor.
> Ben.
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