Re: [NTLK] -10600 error on ATA device

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 16:27:41 PDT

Dear Ashley,

>I transferred my big programs and Newton books over. Then,
>upon turning the thing on, i get a -10600 error while accessing the
>Extras drawer. It's the memory card as all is fine when it's not
>inserted. Interestingly, all of the To Dos and such that are on the
>card appear normally, it's just packages and folders (creating a new
>folder in MoreInfo results in a -10600 as well.)

This is why RC1 isn't 1.0. There is apparently a bug that I missed
with my tests in the transactional persistent store engine. The only
way to avoid this error is to reformat the store.
I'll look at that when I'll be back. Right now I really need to sleep
since I wake up in 4 hours to catch my train.

BTW, the bug with the eMate seemed to come back. I'll look into that
as well next week-end.



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