From: Damien Batstone (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 06:34:30 PDT
That's perhaps because they're using a blue-green backlight, rather than
the white one in Gert's. According to RS, it is about 50% brighter at an
equivalent freq/voltage than other colours:
Brightness @ 100V, 400Hz
Blue-green 73cd/m2
Other colours 50cd/m2
You can look at Item 267-8706 on the RS components website
( The current specs on that page are a little
scary. Maybe the Newton transformer is more efficient. I don't know why
Gert's hums less with a white backlight.
I guess everyone is probably using these Seiko EL sheets, and according to
Marco the Newton transformer is 600hz/110V.
Does anyone have comments on whether white/lower light or green-blue/high
light is better for usability?
>I am probably one of the few who got a backlight exchange for free in the
>frame of the german Independent Newton Support backlight project (testing
>and developing foils with backlight4you).
>As far as I can tell the properties of the original backlight and the
>replacement are pretty much the same regarding brightness and readeability
>of the display.
>But the replacement is supposed to last much longer.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []On Behalf Of Gert Menke
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:49 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Backlight fun-replacing backlight
>> Hi,
>> I have a white backlight (from an MP2100U I got from Ferdi Ozguner). It is
>> great for reading in the dark (I like it better than the original green
>> one, for this purpose). It even makes much less noise than my old
>> green one
>> did. Sadly though, it is not at all very bright, so in dim light
>> conditions it is almost perfectly useless. :-(
>> I'm considering to get the green replacement backlight (from backlight4u,
>> IIRC), because I often find it hard to read on the Newton when it is not
>> bright enough or not dark enough in my room.
>> HTH.
>> Regards,
>> Gert
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