From: James Elliott (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 11:41:28 PDT
I would suggest their $149 package. That way you can spend your
other fifty bucks on Paul's ATA driver
( to use modern flash cards. Or
you could get an SER-001 (
The only downside is that you don't get a screen cover with that
package. You ought to be able to find a cheap one somewhere, though.
>I an a new guy to the list and plan on buying newton soon. I want
>to get my hands on upgraded 2000 or a 2100, I have about $200 to
>spend. Anyone got onbe for sale? I have been using an old Casio Z
>7000 Zommer but have always lusted after the Newton. I have MACs
>and PCs at home so connectivity between the Newton and my systems
>should not be an issue as long as I have the connection cables and
>software. I like the screen size as compared to the palms, which
>are way to costly anyway.
>So, Hi...
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