From: P Vaughan (
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 05:21:00 PDT
I have just acquired an H1000 running OS1.o from eBay, and I was wondering =
if anyone remembers what changes, or improvements, were made in OS1.O.5; =
or OS1.1 if I can Use it.
I would like to keep OS1.O for its significance, but if the OS upgrade =
made major improvements, I may rethink.
Also, can I use NiCad batteries in this machine? (The handbook only =
mentions alkalines.) If so, can they be recharged in the Newton?
By the way, I find the H1OOO to be a fabulous machine. I don't find any =
problems with HWR, but perhaps that's because I've been using Newtons tor =
a few years already. Apps snap open much faster than on my MP130, plus =
it's at least 25% lighter. And the
screen is fantastic.
All in all, for the first ever PDA, what an achievement by the Newton team!
Handwritten on a Newton, and sent by Wifi. The 'Green' is still the best.
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