From: Andre Garzia (
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 21:54:37 PDT
Hi Folks,
i wrote some text for The Green Edge magazine and then tried to use=20
Newton Press 1.1 to generate the NewtonBooks for me. The problem is...=20=
while it all seems okay in Newton Press, in the real machine the text=20
overlap the end of the page, the newton shows "..." and there's no way=20=
to get to the text. I tried the plataforms settings, like "Universal"=20
and "MP2000" but with no success... the problem is, everything apears=20
okay on the program, then, when it loads inside the newt, it goes wrong?
Is there a bug in newton press? should I use bookmaker?
Please help, i want to start this magazine!
Andre Alves Garzia =EF=A3=BF 2003 =EF=A3=BF BRAZIL
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