From: Matt Janeczek (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 21:38:02 PDT
Hah! I noticed that too. At first I thought it was just my eyes
playing tricks, but I'm like noooooooooooooo thats a Newton keyboard! I
have subscribed to MacAddict for some time now, and it seems they do
like the Newton/eMate stuff a lot. Years ago they did an Antiques
Roadshow spoof on their funny CD video and it featured an eMate which
had an apparent $900 resale value! LOL! I tell you, Apple doesn't get
nearly as much credit as it deserves for all these innovative products.
It is a shame the average Joe knows what a Palm pilot is but has never
heard of a Newton. Oh well... :-\
James Elliott wrote:
> I just got the September MacAddict. I was grooving through the quiz
> and I got to a picture of Chris Imlay in the breakdown of the
> results. He's wearing a headset and holding a Newton keyboard. It
> seems that at least someone there likes the Newt, even if they knock
> it occasionally.
> -James
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