From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 14:36:26 PDT
On 25/08/03 16:31, "Matthias M. Edrich" <Matthias.Edrich_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
> Newton 2100
> Hi!
> I have a problem with Internet Setup and dialing up
> to the internet via my Modem. I forget what brand
> my modem is (however, it's one of the popular
> newton modems).
> I can dial up to my provider, but when the internet
> connection slip says "Connecting to the internet",
> my newton does nothing for a while, then displays
> a quick note saying something about "disconnecting"
> and then closes that window. I cannot see exactly
> why the newton is disconnecting as the window
> closes so quickly.
> My modem does dial and I can hear it handshaking with
> the modem pool, however, it can't seem to complete the
> connection.
> Any suggestions? Is there anyway to see a console
> view of what the modem is doing? Or see specifics
> on each step which the modem is going through.
> My provider is a simple PPP provider. I get
> the phone number, dns names. It works well
> with my mac os machines.
> HELPP!!! :-)
For PPP connections, you can try to add a Login Script in your Internet
setup and turn on the 'Display script activity'. You might have to contact
your provider to learn what you would need to put in the script, as I'm not
sure that a login script with only one 'Done' entry would tell you anything
useful. But that's one way to discover what's going on after your modem
establishes a connection...
-- =========================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA ************************* Usual disclaimers apply ************************* -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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