From: Roman Pixell (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 14:49:05 PDT
sounds like something has gotten corrupt. according to eckhart, it=20
should be possible to have two NIE packages installed at the same time,=20=
one normal one that is frozen, and a hacked one that is active.
/ =AE
On m=E5ndag, aug 25, 2003, at 20:05 Europe/Stockholm,=20 wrote:
> From: Eric Schneck <>
> Subject: [NTLK] Hang while loading PPP Driver
> I just got a new cell phone without IR, so I am trying to switch from=20=
> Eck's hacked NIE back to the standard one.
> I removed the hacked NIE and downloaded NIE 2.0 and the setup program=20=
> from UNNA and rebooted the Newt. I created a new Serial setup, with a=20=
> login script that has a beep as the first step. All of my apps=20
> (SimpleMail, Courier, Newtscape) hang while "Loading PPP Driver",=20
> without a beep.
> I think that all of the packages are present, because they were there=20=
> for the IR version, and because NIE does not complain about missing=20
> packages.
> I tried using PT100 to connect to the phone, and it works fine with=20
> the same serial settings, so it is not a serial port or cable problem.
> I do have an ethernet card installed, but I tried removing it and the=20=
> Farallon driver, but it did not help.
> Any ideas?
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