From: Amit, C (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 08:56:58 PDT
That program sounds great and once my Newton is up and running, I would love
to assist in any way possible and get together. Unfortunately I'm headed to
Colorado this weekend and will be back Tuesday. So no go for me in Fremont
on Saturday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory J. Wayman []
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] MP 120 Problem
Rich...If no one is in your area, maybe we could meet in lets say Fremont or
? This Satuarday for Coffee an a impromptu Newton meeting....Hear me Robert
and CJ????
Richard Connamacher wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who's responded. Someone who emailed me privately
> said he has a copy of the software for breaking into my newton, and I
> just need to load it onto a flash card and start my newton up with it
> inserted. Anyone in the area (Oakland or Berkeley, California) who
> wouldn't mind loaning me a flash card for a few moments to do it with?
> In return you'd get a useful program for breaking into your own newton
> if you ever lose your PIN.
> Thanks all,
> Rich
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