[NTLK] Something... interesting - from another list

From: JimRCGMO (jimrcgmo_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Jul 04 2003 - 21:20:40 PDT

I will vouch that I am not making this account up (though the original
poster on another list where I saw it I can't say about), but:

someone on another e-list I get was describing having trouble getting BBQ
sauce off the keyboard at Hooters, where he said he had gone to use their
WiFi network (to which I pretty well said 'nudge, nudge, yeah, right!').

So if you have a Hooters in your town (we don't here ... :-( ), you
might be able to use your WiFi enabled Newt there!

Just something for your edification and interest,

Jim Rohde

"The true object of life is play."
     - G.K. Chesterton

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