[NTLK] Contest at This Old Newt is over

From: Goodwyn Clu Da'Bard (drclu_at_swbell.net)
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 15:51:14 PST

  You had a contest? I'm sorry, this is the first I've heard of it, and I
monitor this list and the Newton Underground. Where did you advertise this
contest? If you ask me, people didn't jump in due to not knowing.

   Doc Clu

On 3/3/03 11:03 AM, "newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net" <newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net>

> The Contest at This Old Newt is over.
> We have a winner of a 2100 package from J&K Sales, Josh Davis. Congrats J=
> Personal Observations of a Host:
> I will say this last round was a bit of a flop. ...
> Were the questions to hard?
> Were the prizes that lousy?
> Did the contest run too long?
> Do people just not care?
> Did anyone know about it?
> Have all the new list members ever seen the site? Are the old Newt sites =
> no longer=20
> exciting enough?
> Just a few thoughts to see if its worth the effort to try and run again n=
> year.
> Keep the Green=99
> Rich
> This Old Newt
> www.thisoldnewt.net
> Updated and Fresh Newton Information & Entertainment 1997-2003

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