From: Cantley, Bryan (bcantley_at_Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU)
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 16:10:40 PDT
After being a long time Newton user, I find the need to move to a =
different platform. The interface will never be as nice, and the groups =
out there for Palm can't compare to this one. Thanx!
So I need to sell my set up, was thinking of posting on ebay, but wanted =
to get some feedback on a pricing structure. To be honest, I need the =
cash, hence the initial reason to post on an auction site.
MP 2100, screen in VERY GOOD condition, battery WONDERFUL. All clips, =
doors, stylus, etc.
2 memory cards [pretec 32 mb, and Edge 8 mb.]
Original Newton keyboard, near mint condition
Keyboard leather bag, near mint
Cloth Newton case, the one that holds all the goodies, and has the =
re-adjustable strap that allows MP and keyboard to function as "laptop" =
, EXCELLENT condition
2-3 extra door clips [those little hard to find jewels]
Dummy card for card slot
2 Newton power adapters
extra software, and goodies.
There is more, but that [I think] is the meat of it- your appraisals are =
Bryan Cantley
Spatial Orchestrator
Form:uLA Dimension Laboratory
Professor of Design Theory
California State University Fullerton
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