Re: [NTLK] Stupid Qs, eMate chargers and MP2x00

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Nov 05 2003 - 15:37:33 PST

on 11/5/03 6:19 PM, Alexander Goss at wrote:

> OK, I have two questions:
> 1. You all know how there are the two little metallic circles on the
> bottom of the eMate? I've been told that these are for chargers. Is
> it possible to get one of these chargers anywhere?
> 2. Does the Calculations part of NewtonWorks work on MP2x00s, or just
> on eMates?

Don't know about the metallic circles, but the Calculation part can run on
any Newton running NOS 2.1, which includes the MP2x00s...


Laurent Daudelin   AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin    <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software     
casting the runes n.: What a guru does when you ask him or her to run a
particular program and type at it because it never works for anyone else;
esp. used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from
what J. Random Luser does. Compare incantation, runes, examining the
entrails; also see the AI koan about Tom Knight in "Some AI Koans" (Appendix
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