Re: [NTLK] TCP/IP on Newton?

From: Peter H. Coffin (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 12:45:01 PDT

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 07:46:22AM +0100, Mark Benson wrote:
> On a not unrelated note, is there any way I can set up my 7100 to
> forward TCP/IP to my Newton over a serial cable?

Might be able to set up a PPP daemon to listen to the serial line in OS
X. (Don't ask me how, I can manage it in OpenBSD, but haven't learned it
for anything else.)

> What is more is there any way I can use the aforementioned (if it's
> possible) to e-mail from my Newton?

Once the link is there, it should be usable for everything that works
over TCP.

> Lastly, and probably most unlikely, is there any way I can do it in
> Windows?

Through a similar deal: PPP hosting on the serial line, customized dial
script for a non-existing external modem.

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