From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 10:54:17 PST
On Jan 8, 2004, at 6:57 AM, Nathan Turnage wrote:
> Was that not the lamest Macworld keynote ever?! It was worse than last
> year. Only significant item they released was Xgrid.
I think there where a bunch of significant announcements actually.
Garageband is going to sell a lot of computers for Apple, Xserve G5
gives them a very real edge to push into clustering and supercomputing.
People are just way too jaded and need or expect there own ignorant
hype to be fulfilled every year.
> I mean, Steve Jobs
> made this big deal about the iPod that would take on the "flash"
> players, proclaiming victory over the low end. And then priced it only
> $50 cheaper than the 15Gb model. What was it he said about "the best
> $50
> you'll ever spend"? No, the best $50 you'll spend will be to go with
> the
> 15Gb instead of the 4Gb! This guy has become a victim of his own
> reality
> distortion bubble. Are they all smokin' crack in Cupertino, or what?
I agree that personally I would rather pay the extra $50 for the larger
unit. However, I bet the mini is a huge (pun intended) success, and
the by xmas it's $199.00. This will allow Apple to have a line of
ipods starting at 199 going up to about 400 (US) for next xmas, which
is pretty spectrum of pricing.
REMEMBER the only reason for selling itunes and the ipod is really to
bring people into the Apple store to see the computers. Apple is still
a computer company at it's core and all the other gadget serve that
master so far.
> Does he really think these are going to sell? IMHO, it is the biggest
> waste of Apple R&D since NuBus!
I bet they sell over 2 million of them by this time next year. You
aren't the average consumer Nathan. The average consumer will see a
cute little music player for a reasonably low price. (personally I
think it's too many $ for me)
> My $0.02
Same here.
I think Apple is kicking some serious butt. They are sticking to their
knitting with regards to OSX, and there hardware line up has some
serious ability to challenge anyone at the high end.
Of course time will tell.
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