From: David M. Ensteness (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 23:15:32 PST
Never thought of it that way but yeah ...
You could make the same comparison to the Newton project actually. In
comparison to what was originally envisioned with the Knowledge
Navigator concept movies the Newton simply does not live up ... of
course those capabilities are still impossible with today's technology.
But consider it was envisioned to have:
Completely voice driven OS that responded to and queried the user via
voice taking natural english commands.
Wireless data communication at speeds to allow full screen, high res.
video conferencing on a resolution scaling display.
A screen that doubles as a scanning surface.
Software that can perform ORC on any document accurately and then
interpret the text and symbols as context for user voice commands.
Some pretty incredible stuff ...
> On 8-Jan-04, at 11:23 PM, David M. Ensteness wrote:
>> Well, I wasn't the man who said it, nor do I agree, but he has a point
>> and I will try to explain it:
>> The TAM was a very ambitious project, tons of demos were created,
>> however, the specs of the system kept dropping over time.
> The hardware version of Copland ?
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