From: Rick Ludwig (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 16:03:02 PST
Where did Apple tell us that it was free? Why Apple's Web site of
course! Apple has always listed the iLife apps as being part of Mac OS
X. In that case, the apps, should they not be free, be part of the OS
updates (there's your revenue). So, when I paid my $129 for Panther,
there was no iLife updates. These should be part of that.
OR, why not sell the different apps seperatly? I would pay $10 for
iPhoto. I have no interest in Garage Band or iMovie if I have to pay
for them. If they were free, I'd probably use them. If not, then I
wouldn't want to pay for them.
Are these apps worth $49? YES. BUT, there are just too many reasons why
I should have to buy this whole package to get this one update.
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