Re: [NTLK] [NTLK][OT] macworld 04 pix

From: Dan (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 20:20:47 PST

>Think how bias must feel seeing garageband for $49us? Ouch.

Apple also did this when the MP2000 was released. It came with Newtworks
(word processor, spread sheet, drawing etc). And there were many compaines
that had a product *almost* ready to release, however becuase of Newtworks
they just bagged it and many left the platform, and that was *before* Apple
killed the Newton.

Don't get me wrong, I think Newtworks is great. But there could have been
more such programs. For instance Power Word was going to be a great word
processor. I had talked with the developers several times and was looking
foward to its release. But when they saw NewtWorks they just threw in the
towel and bagged the whole project. The bueaty of that program is it would
work with any 2.x OS (among other things). Where as Newtworks is 2.1 only.


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