From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sat Jan 10 2004 - 22:31:53 PST
on 1/10/04 11:54 AM, John Anderson at wrote:
> It is true that there are no credits in the About boxes, and for the
> most part easter eggs constitute a fire-able offense. While I
> understand the business reasons behind this, I sure would like to have
> my name on an Apple app or two.
While I can understand the "no easter egg" policy, (there have been some
eggs in the past that caused nasty bugs or got Apple in trouble) I don't
understand the business reasons for no credits... That takes away one extra
bit of incentive for the coders. I can't see that helping. Sure, Microsoft,
I think, doesn't credit developers, but why would Apple want to imitate
Microsoft? You have my sympathies...
BTW, I wasn't trying to downplay Apple's "expenses" on developing the iLife
apps, just that it seems to me that too many cooks spoil the broth. :-)
Sorry to return to the iLife issue, but in my opinion, if Apple start
charging for iMovie and iPhoto, then, it would say more to me than just that
they want the cash. It would tell me that they are basically admitting
defeat in their original strategy--namely to draw customers, and create
added value for the purchaser. In other words, if it happens, it is not a
good sign. It is a sign of retreat... (in that way, it is similar to what
happened to the iTools suite.)
Oh, and I still don't like the idea of paying for two or three tools I'll
never use. I would rather have them sold separately...
-- Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <> Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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