From: Dan (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 19:33:23 PST
When I look in the Internet setup, my earthlink setup now shows "unknown
connection type" and when I open it, it has Protocol: <Unknown>, even if I
change it to PPP, it still shows unknown. On a related note, for the login
script it says a script editor was not found. What's up???
I reinstalled NIE 2.0 but still no good...Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hmm could it be you installed NIE 2.1? I know that when you install 2.1 it
makes changes that makes NIE 2.0 no longer compatable. I would suggest
totally removing NIE, then remove all the soups assocated with it (DNS
cache, PAX data (not 100% sure on this one), LinkSetups). Then reinstall
NIE 2.0 and see if it works then.
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