From: Chris Edwards (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 05:32:32 PST
I read that Apple and others are getting excited about the Canadian
copyright tax, It might be the way foreward, you cannot really stop
people file swapping, sure you can prosecute a child for downloading a
nursery rhyme and ruin the education of some students but all that does
is cause ill feeling and create a challenge to infringe and remove and
moral qualms not to. The Canadian way is at least realistic ( i bet
politicians will ruin it in the long run, they just have to kill the
golden goose). The times I read on this list that if not for copyright
we could do------------, if the disc or card was copy tax paid then you
could without fear of the law and the originator get royalties ( and
the greedy corperations go hungry). Ist a thought
Chris Edwards
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