From: Eric Schneck (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 17:35:32 PST
> From: "Newtopia" <>
> Subject: [NTLK] Memory Cards - What is reasonable?
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 07:26:23 -0800
> I have started slowly with MPG and shopList for a couple of reasons, I
> don't want to clutter the MP's with installs that may lead to conflicts
After using Newts for almost a decade, and never experiencing a software
conflict, I can say that it is rare for non-system packages to conflict. If
you are installing stuff that interacts at the system level, maybe they
will, but apps rarely do.
<Flame bait>
Reminds me of the old, old joke that there were no software conflicts on
OS/2 because there was not enough software to cause a conflict.
</Flame bait>
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