From: Brian (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 18:30:03 PST
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] word processing for the mp 120?
>Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:33:30 -0500
>Does anyone know is AvailWorks supports footnotes? That is the biggest
>problem I have with Newtonworks, in that everything I write needs 8,000
>footnotes, and I always have to write and then export and reformat.
Footnotes are so liberal arts :) a works cited page is so much better
Either way, if you are writing, you must look at Endnote, I think there's a demo (desktop) as well.
It's a life-saver.
Once you use Endnote, you can play with a Newton version as well, see Hardy Macia made NewtNotes, or Endnote for Newton,
so you could load your reference database onto the Newton, insert
references shortcuts while you write. Endnote (desktop) parses the
Word document and inserts full text, builds the works sited list, etc.
It's a bit of a pain to incorporate your reference library, especially
if it's big, but it's not too bad. And it is SO nice to have
everything automatically appear- all your references inserted, etc,
bibliography page formed, etc.
Hardy has never replied to an email I've sent him, but you can give it
a look and see if it still will work with the newer releases of the
desktop Endnote.
Regardless, you WANT Endnote on the desktop.
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