From: Anil (
Date: Sat Jan 17 2004 - 15:54:12 PST
Thank you Larry, I am really happy to be here ; )
I really appreciate you sharing your viewpoint and experiences. I too
use Apple's own mail program so I think I might just set up a rule to
get rid of Poutine. I have funny feeling I might actually like it.
Your comments about Ferdi are interesting, there are always two sides
to every story. I for one don't judge people, I will make up my own
mind if i have any dealings with him. He does have a lot of excellent
feedback on eBay and you are in the vast majority that has been happy
But that is their discussion/war/battle/conflict call it what you will.
I hope to stay on the list but I am afraid i may have pissed off a few
people, and might get the cold shoulder. But you have reached out and
said hello, so I will definitely stay, thank you.
I will keep my mouth closed, keep reading and pitch in when I can.
Perhaps I have should have done that before, it just that I work in an
industry where we constantly try to make things better. Not because
things are bad, but because they could be better, for EVERYONE.
I am really glad you wrote, I can't tell you how much it means to me.
Here's to the future, may it be bright and green!
Anil K Solanki
United Kingdom, the land free of Poutine and stylus holder etiquette.
On Jan 17, 2004, at 23:35, Larry Zasitko wrote:
> Anil,
> First off welcome to the group, don't know if anyone else has so I
> will :-)
> This list does have its ups and downs with off topic stuff and that
> goes for
> most of the lists that I am on and I have in the past unsubscribe from
> some
> because they do not post anything on topic! I too wish that it would
> stay
> more on topic but because this is basically an open forum it would be
> pretty
> hard to control.
> I REALLY wish the poutine topic would just go away for all time, I
> hate it
> (the topic, not the poutine itself) and actually have a rule that
> looks for
> the word poutine and if found it is sent straight to the trash. You
> can set
> up rules and if you are using outlook express you can block users and
> never
> see anything. I use my iBook and the mail program that came with Jaguar
> which I really like. Some of the other lists will allow off topic but
> they
> have to be marked as off topic in the subject (this would include the
> etiquette thread) which makes it pretty easy to again make a rule so
> you
> never see it.
> The on-going battle between Woo and Ferdi have been going on for as
> long as
> I have been on this list (I started the year the Newton was cancelled,
> I had
> just bought a 2100 from the Newton Store in Toronto a couple weeks
> earlier),
> and at times can be pretty funny. Some have said that Ferdi (or
> Ozgunner or
> Newton4all, does not matter what his name is) is a crook and no good
> but I
> have dealt with him in the past and just recently and found that the
> item I
> bought was shipped as soon as I paid for it and I got it for a good
> price,
> so I am not sure about others. I have had no dealings with Woo at all
> outside of the list. In any case that is a long time battle that I
> don't see
> ending anytime soon.
> You will find a lot of good info on here (I would have never got my
> 2100 to
> sync with Jaguar without this list) so don't leave. As I said right now
> there seems to be more off topic than on topic but that can change
> pretty
> quick.
> Larry Zasitko
> iBook, iMac, Newton OMP, 110, 120, 2100 + eMate
> --
> This is the NewtonTalk list - for all
> inquiries
> List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms:
> Official Newton FAQ:
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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