From: Jean-Loup (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 17:50:12 PST
Hi, every one,
Two meetings for old Apple machines will be done very soon in Europe.
First: on the 27th, in Paris, for the 20th macintosh's birthday, meeting
organised by good friends, Mac fans since the 128k, the first one. Every
ancient machine user is very welcome, AND Newton users, of course. More
informations on , only in french. And if
you can come with a Lisa (-> Mister Paul Beckers ???), you will be
attended with lot lot of impatience...
So, let's all of us go there to communicate with Wifi on a Newton !!!
SECOND: on the 31th (a few days after), in Brussel, the second European
Newton meeting, during all the afternoon and evening, with fans from
Great Britain, Belgium, Netherland, France, and may be Germany and
Luxembourg. You can ask all information to Elisabeth
<> and that will be a terrific day.
Very sorry for americans, australians, africans, and other countries too
far away from europe, but we'll stay in contact with you by mail. OK ??
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