From: John Osborne (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 12:23:32 PST
There has been a fair amount of discussion of developing a BlueTooth
product (heck there's been so much traffic on this list that I can
barely keep up). I have a USB BT module in my old iMac talking to an
Apple BT keyboard (works great, less wiring ;) What does a theoretical
BT capability for the Newton get me that isn't solved by other forms of
connection (serial, tcp/ip (wired and unwired))? I doubt my BT keyboard
would work with the Newton because there doesn't exist the appropriate
driver on the Newton. I'm mainly trying to get my mind around this
discussion since I have a very minimal knowledge of BT. I'm sure a BT
capability for the Newton would be cool technically, but does it solve
any particular communication problems?TIA
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