From: Andrei Chichak (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 13:55:38 PST
At 10:21 PM 1/21/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>Andrei Chichak wrote:
> >>Does anyone think a USB port could be made to
> >>work directly on a Newton?
> >
> >
> > It depends on what you expect it to do.
> >
> > Host side USB would be out of the question as the interface chips are
> >
> > Device side USB to make the Newt look like a serial port that just happens
>There are micro processor out there that integrate an USB host
>controller (e.g. Atmel's USB ATRs), so you have the USB stack in the
>firmware. Nevertheless, you have to do some communication with the
>Newton (serial port? slow :-/ ), and drivers to handle the devices.
>I don't think it's very worthwile.
Ah, but if you carry on with the investigation you will find that the AVRs
and Motorola 6808s and such are expected to be embedded into devices that
will be plugged into a PC host. These are embedded processors for the
device side.
Don't expect to be able to plug a USB keyboard, zip drive, memory
plug, DVD drive or the like into your Newton. Expect to plug your Newton
into your PC and talk to it like a serial device. Sort of like an iPod into
a PC.
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