From: Bret Feinblatt (
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 17:59:30 PST
I assumed that there was a cap in there somewhere, holding it together.
However, that's the point I was trying to make. It used to keep
everything cool so I didn't have to give it a writing calibration after
removing the battery for a moment, but now it does, even if the battery
is removed for a second.
I suspect that this cap might be loose after all, as someone mentioned
before that something might be loose. Would anyone happen to know where
this cap might be? Or maybe there's a site with a picture of the normal
board I could refer to.
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 08:32 PM, Dan wrote:
>> Also, I just realized that the Newton goes through the reset when a
>> battery is ejected and reinserted, even if it's just for a second.
>> It seems that whatever it was that was keeping a short-term memory for
>> it, a sort of Newton PRAM, is not working - at least, that's how I
>> interpret it. Does this sound like an accurate assessment, and if so,
>> what is the likely cause/solution?
> There is a super capacitor that will hold the clock and date info for
> say 30
> minutes to a hour, when the battery is out but that is it. All the
> internal
> memory is FLASH and the previous models were all SRAM based so you
> needed a
> battery backup to maintain the memory store during battery replacement.
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