From: Anil (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 03:29:18 PST
You can see the super cap in this pic at Frank's site. It is component
marked C88.
Hope this helps.
On Jan 22, 2004, at 01:59, Bret Feinblatt wrote:
> I assumed that there was a cap in there somewhere, holding it together.
> However, that's the point I was trying to make. It used to keep
> everything cool so I didn't have to give it a writing calibration after
> removing the battery for a moment, but now it does, even if the battery
> is removed for a second.
> I suspect that this cap might be loose after all, as someone mentioned
> before that something might be loose. Would anyone happen to know where
> this cap might be? Or maybe there's a site with a picture of the normal
> board I could refer to.
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