From: Newtopia (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 20:49:43 PST
Anyway, I plopped the Buffalo AirStation (Melco) in and wahlah, I get the
Configuration slip for the card! Can't wait to get home tonight and
configure it to connect to my home network!
Alrighty then, out of the 12 .pkg's I did get installed,
none/0/nilch/nada/nunca are internet/package xfer/e-mail related - rats! So,
all I can do is configure the Buffalo and wait till tomorrow (left cable @
work) to try again.
Which brings me to the next newbie question...
I read 40Hz and I have downloaded Courier-0.7.3.sit, ntox, NHttpLib, IC/VC,
Zlib, Neo and Nitro. All I want to do at this point is to use the WiFi
Ethernet connection to install packages and perform backups, essentially
replicate NCU over Ethernet-TCP/IP instead of serial (which belongs in a
bowel with milk). Later I may do chatting/e-mail - I don't see any sense in
trying to browse the web with my MP 2100. So what do I really need to
install packages and do the back-ups?
I don't have a memory PC-Card yet, although I bought one on E-Bay, the
seller can't find it-so we're working on some solution.
Paul Curtis
MP 120 v2.0/130/2100
Michigan State Spartans - Go Green! Go White!
Serial belongs in a bowl with milk!
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