From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 20:53:17 PST
on 22/01/04 22:16, Bret Feinblatt at wrote:
> On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 09:26 PM, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> Is the card recognized when you insert it? Is "Use card for AppleTalk"
>> checked on the card slip when you insert it?
> The card's recognized, a box pops right up with the name, the setup
> button and the AppleTalk option.
>> Well, then, the only conclusion I can come to is that your WaveLAN
>> Silver is
>> a special flavor and doesn't have the same chipset than the original
>> ones
>> that were available a couple of years ago. If you only try to connect
>> to
>> NCU, it doesn't matter what settings you have in Internet Setup since
>> AppleTalk doesn't use those. So, the problem probably stems from an
>> incompatibility between the router and the iBook or the router and the
>> Newton...
> I don't think that's it - the card's on the driver support list, and it
> appears to work well enough with all the basic setups. I'll play around
> a bit more with the settings.
Well, good luck, then. Trying to connect with NCU over AppleTalk on Ethernet
is pretty straightforward and is generally the first step you take before
trying to surf on the Internet to make sure the card works fine with your
given wireless router. There aren't a lot of settings: NCU set to AppleTalk.
AppleTalk in OS 9 set to Ethernet on the Mac (although I think you can't set
this from OS X, you would have to reboot in 9 to make sure it is set), the
card set to be used for AppleTalk and the Dock set to use AppleTalk. That's
it. No IP address or any other kind of settings are needed. If you can't
connect with this setup, there are good chances that you won't be able to
get on the Internet, I'm afraid...
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software fiber-seeking backhoe: [common among backbone ISP personnel] Any of a genus of large, disruptive machines which routinely cut critical backbone links, creating Internet outages and packet over air problems. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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